3 and let the preast loke on the sore that is in the skynne of his fleshe. Yf the heer in the sore be turned vnto whyte, and the sore also seme to be lower than the skynne of his fleshe then it is suerly a leprosye, and let the preast loke on him and make hym vnclene.
4 Yf there be but a white plecke in the skynne of his fleshe and seme not to be lower than the other skynne nor the heer thereof is turned unto white: then let the preast shitt him vpp seuen dayes.
5 And let the preast loke apon hym the .vij. daye: yf the sore seme to him to abyde styll and to go no further in the skyne, then let the preast shutt him vppe yet .vij. dayes moo.
6 And let the preast loke on him agayne the .vij. daye. Then yf the sore be waxed blackesh and is not growen abrode in the skynne, let the preast make him clene, for it is but a skyrfe. And let him wasshe his clothes, and then he is clene
7 But and yf the scabbe growe in the skynne after that he is sene of the preast agayne.
8 Yf the preast se that the scabbe be growen abrode in the skynne, let him make him vnclene: for it is suerly a leprosye.
9 Yf the plage of leprosye be in a man, let hi be broughte vnto the preast,
10 and let the preast se him. Yf the rysinge apeare white in the skynne ad haue also made the heer white, ad there be rawe flesh in the sore also:
11 then it is an olde leprosye in the skynne of his flesh. And the preast shall make him vnclene, ad shall not shutte him vp for he is vnclene.
12 Yf a leprosye breake out in the skynne and couer all the skynne from the heed to the fote ouer all wheresoeuer the preast loketh,
13 then let the preast loke apon him. Yf the leprosye haue couered all his flesh, let him make the disease clene: for in as moch as he is altogether white he is therfore cleane.
14 But and yf there be rawe flesh on him when he is sene, then he shalbe vncleane.
15 Therfore when the preast seeth the rawe flesh, let him make him vnclene. For in as moch as his flesh is rawe, he is vnclene and it is suerly a true leprosye.
16 But and yf the rawe flesh departe agayne and chaunge vnto white, then let him come to the preast
17 and let the preast se him: Yf the sore be chaunged vnto white, let the preast make the disease cleane, ad the he is cleane.
18 When there is a byele in the skynne of any mans flesh and is helede
19 and after in the place of the byele there appeare a whyte rysyng ether a shynynge white somwhat redysh, let him be sene of the preast.
20 Yf when the preast seeth hi it appeare lower than the other skynne and the heer thereof be chaunged vnto white, let the preast make hi vncleane: for it is a very leprosye, that is broken out in the place of the byele
21 But and yf when the preast loketh on it there be no white heeres therein nether the scabbe lower than the other skynne and be somwhat blackesh, then the preast shall shutt him aparte vij. dayes.
22 Yf it sprede abrode in the meane season, then let the preast make him vnclene: for it is a leprosye.
23 But ad yf the glistringe white abyde styll in one place and go no further, then it is but the prynte of the byele, and the preast shal make him cleane.
24 When the skynne of any mas flesh is burnt with fire that it be rawe and there apere in the burnynge a glistringe white that is somwhat redysh or altogether white,
25 let the preast loke apon it. Yf the heer in that brightnesse be chaunged to white and it also appeare lower than the other skynne, than it is a leprosye that is broken out in the place of the burnynge. And the preast shall make him vncleane, for it is a leprosye.
26 But and yf (when the preast loketh on it) he se that there is no white heer in the bryghtenesse and that it is no lower than the other skynne and that it is also blackesh, then let the preast shutt him upp seuen dayes.
27 And yf (when the preast loketh on him the seuenth daye) it be growen abrode in the skynne, lett him make him vncleane: for it is a leprosye.
28 But and yf that bryghtnesse abyde styll in one place and goo no further in the skynne ad be blackesh, than it is but a rysyng in the place of the burnynge, and the preast shall make hym cleane: for it is but the prynte of the burnynge only.
29 Whe ether man or woman hath a breakinge out apon the heed or the beerde, let the preast se it.
30 And yf it apeare lower than the other skynne and there be therein golden heeres ad thyn, let the preast make him vncleane, for it is a breaking out of leprosye apo the heed or berde.
31 yf (whe the preast loketh on the breakige out) he se that it is no lower tha the other skynne ad that there are blacke heeres therein let hi shutt hi vp .vij. dayes.
32 And let the preast loke on the disease the seuenth daye: ad yf the breakynge oute be gone no forther nether be any golden heeres therein nether the scabbe be lower than the other skynne,
33 then lett him be shauen, but lett hym not shaue the scabbe, and let the preast shutt him vpp seuen dayes moo.
34 And let the preast loke on the breakynge out the .vij. daye agayne: Yf the breakynge out be gone no further in the skynne nor moare lower the the other skynne, then lett the preaste make him cleane, and let him wasshe his clothes and then he is cleane.
35 Yf the breakynge out growe in the skynne after that he is once made cleane,
36 let the preast see him. Yf it be growne abrode in dede in the skynne, let the preast seke no further for ony golden heeres, for he is vncleane.
37 But and yf he se that the scabbe stonde styll and that there is blacke heer growne vpp there in, the the scabbe is healed and he is cleane: and the preast shall make him cleane.
38 Yf there be founde in the skynne of the flesh of man or woman a glisterynge white,
39 let the preast se it. Yf there appeare in their flesh a glisterynge white somwhat blackesh, the it is but frekels growe vpp in the skynne: ad he is cleane
40 Yf a mans heer fall of his heed, the he is heedbaulde and cleane.
41 yf his heer fall before in his foreheade, then he is foreheadbalde and cleane.
42 yf there be in the baulde head or baulde forehead a redysh white scabbe, then there is leprosye spronge vpp in his baulde head or baulde foreheade.
43 And let the preast se it: and yf the rysynge of the sore be reddyshwhite in his baulde heade or foreheade after the maner of a leprosye in the skynne of the flesh,
44 then he is a leper and vncleane: ad the preast shall make him vncleane, for the plage of his heede.
45 And the leper in whome the plage is shall haue his clothes rent and his heade bare ad his mouth moffeld, and shalbe called vncleane.
46 And as longe as the dysease lesteth apon him, he shalbe vncleane: for he is vncleane, and shall therfore dwell alone, ad even without the host shall his habitacion be.