Genesis 7:11-19

Tyndale(i) 11 In the .vi. hundred yere of Noes lyfe in the secode moneth in the .xvij daye of the moneth yt same daye were all the founteynes of the grete depe broken vp and the wyndowes of heave were opened 12 ad there fell a rayne vpon the erth .xl. dayes and .xl. nyghtes. 13 And the selfe same daye went Noe Sem Ham and Iapheth Noes sonnes and Noes wyfe and the .iij. wyues of his sonnes wyth them in to the arke: 14 both they and all maner of beastes in their kide and all maner of catell in their kynde and all maner of wormes that crepe vppon the erth in their kynde and all maner of byrdes in there kynde. and all maner off foules what soever had feders. 15 And they came vnto Noe in to the arke by cooples of all flesh yt had breth of lyfe in it. 16 And they that came came male ad female of every flesh acordige as God comaunded hym: and ye LORde shytt the dore vppo him 17 And the floud came .xl. dayes and .xl. nyghtes vppon the erth and the water increased and bare vp the arcke ad it was lifte vp from of the erth 18 And the water prevayled and increased exceadingly vppon the erth: and the arke went vppo he toppe of the waters. 19 And the waters prevayled excedingly above mesure vppo the erth so that all the hye hylles which are vnder all the partes of heaven were covered: