Genesis 41:38-57

Tyndale(i) 38 Than sayde Pharao vnto his seruavauntes: where shall we fynde soch a ma as this is that hath the sprete of God in him? 39 wherfore Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: for as moch as God hath shewed the all this there is no man of vnderstondyng nor of wysdome lyke vnto the 40 Thou therfore shalt be ouer my house and acordinge to thy worde shall all my people obey: only in the kynges seate will I be aboue the. 41 And he sayde vnto Ioseph: beholde I haue sett the ouer all the lande of Egipte. 42 And he toke off his rynge from his fyngre and put it vpon Iosephs fingre and arayed him in raymet of bisse and put a golden cheyne aboute his necke 43 and set him vpon the best charett that he had saue one. And they cryed before him Abrech ad that Pharao had made him ruelar ouer all the lande of Egipte. 44 And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I am Pharao without thi will shall no man lifte vp ether his hande or fote in all the lande of Egipte. 45 And be called Iosephs name Zaphnath Paenea. And he gaue him to wyfe Asnath the doughter of Potiphara preast of On. Than went Ioseph abrode in the lade of Egipte. 46 And he was .xxx. yere olde whe he stode before Pharao kynge of Egipte. And than Ioseph departed from Pharao and went thorow out all the lande of Egipte. 47 And in the .vij. pleteous yeres they made sheves and gathered 48 vp all the fode of the .vij. plenteous yeres which were in the lande of Egipte and put it in to the cities. And he put the food of the feldes that grewe rounde aboute euery cyte: euen in the same. 49 And Ioseph layde vp corne in stoore lyke vnto the sande of the see in multitude out of mesure vntyll he left nombrynge: For it was with out nombre. 50 And vnto Ioseph were borne .ij. sonnes before the yeres of hunger came which Asnath the doughter of Potiphara preast of On bare vnto him. 51 And he called the name of the first sonne Manasse for God (sayde he) hath made me forgett all my laboure and all my fathers husholde. 52 The seconde called he Ephraim for God (sayde he) hath caused me to growe in the lande of my trouble. 53 And when the .vij. yeres plenteousnes that was in the lands of Egypte were ended 54 than came the .vij. yeres of derth acordynge as Ioseph had sayde. And the derth was in all landes: but in the lade of Egipte was there yet foode. 55 When now all the lande of Egipte began to hunger than cried the people to Pharao for bread. And Pharao sayde vnto all Egipte: goo vnto Ioseph and what he sayth to you that doo 56 And when the derth was thorow out all the lande Ioseph opened all that was in the cities and solde vnto the Egiptias And hunger waxed fore in the land of Egipte. 57 And all countrees came to Egipte to Ioseph for to bye corne: because that the hunger was so sore in all landes.