Genesis 32:3-7

Tyndale(i) 3 Iacob sente meessengers before him to Esau his brother vnto the lande of Seir and the felde of Edom. 4 And he comaunded them saynge: se that ye speake after this maner to my lorde Esau: thy seruaunte Iacob sayth thus. I haue sogerned ad bene a straunger with Laban vnto this tyme: 5 and haue gotten oxen asses and shepe menservauntes and wemanseruauntes and haue sent to shewe it mi lorde that I may fynde grace in thy syghte. 6 And the messengers came agayne to Iacob sainge: we came vnto thi brother Esau and he cometh ageynst the and .iiij. hundred men with hi. 7 Than was Iacob greatlye afrayde and wist not which waye to turne him selfe and devyded the people that was with him and the shepe oxen and camels in to .ij. companies