Genesis 19:20-30

Tyndale(i) 20 Beholde here is a cyte by to flee vnto and it is a lytle one: let me saue my selfe therein: is it not a litle one that my soule may lyue? 21 And he sayde to him: se I haue receaved thy request as concernynge this thynge that I will nott overthrowe this cytie for the which thou hast spoken. 22 Haste the ad saue thy selfe there for I can do nothynge tyll thou be come in thyder. And therfore the name of the cyte is called Zoar. 23 And the sone was vppon the erth when Lot was entred in to Zoar. 24 Than the LORde rayned vpon Sodome and Gomorra brymstone and fyre from the LORde out of heaven 25 and overthrewe those cyteis and all the region and all that dwelled in the cytes and that that grewe vpon the erth. 26 And lots wyfe loked behynde her ad was turned in to a pillare of salte. 27 Abraham rose vp early and got him to the place where he stode before the LORde 28 and loked toward Sodome and Gomorra and toward all the londe of that contre. And as he loked: beholde the smoke of the contre arose as it had bene the smoke of a fornace. 29 But yet whe God destroyed the cities of ye regio he thought a pon Abraha: and sent Lot out from the dager of the overthrowenge when he overthrewe the cyttes where Lot dwelled. 30 And Lot departed out of Zoar and dwelled in the mountayns ad his .ij. doughters with him for he feared to tary in Zoar: he dweld therfore in a caue both he and his .ij. doughters also.