Exodus 9:8-11

Tyndale(i) 8 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses and Aaron: take youre handes full of asshes out of the fornace, and let Moses sprynkel it vp in to the ayre in the syghte of Pharao, 9 and it shall turne to dust in all the londe of Egipte, and shal make swellynge soores with blaynes both on ma and beest in all the londe of Egipte. 10 And they toke asshes out of the fornace, and stode before Pharao, ad Moses sprynkeld it vp in to the ayre: And there brake out soores with blaynes both in ma and beest: 11 so that the sorcerers coude not stonde before Moses, by the reason of botches on the enchaunters and apon all the Egiptians,