10 and delivered him out of all his adversities. And gave him faveour and wisdome in the sight of Pharao kynge of Egipte which made him governer over Egipte and over all his housholde.
11 Then came ther a derth over all the londe of Egipt and Canaan and great affliccion that our fathers founde no sustenauce.
12 But when Iacob hearde that ther was corne in Egipte he sent oure fathers fyrst
13 and at the seconde tyme Ioseph was knowen of his brethren and Iosephs kynred was made knowne vnto Pharao.
14 Then sent Ioseph and caused his father to be brought and all his kynne thre score and xv. soules.
15 And Iacob descended into Egipte and dyed bothe he and oure fathers
16 and were translated into Sichem ond were put in ye sepulcre that Abraham bought for money of the sonnes of Emor at Sichem.
17 When ye tyme of ye promes drue nye (which God had sworme to Abraham) the people grewe and multiplied in Egipte
18 till another kynge arose which knewe not of Ioseph.