1 This understonde that in the last dayes shall come parelous tymes.
2 For the me shalbe lovers of their awne selves coveteous bosters proude cursed speakers disobediet to father and mother vnthakfull vnholy
3 vnkinde trucebreakers stubborn falce accusars ryatours fearce despisers of the which are good
4 traytours heddy hye mynded gredy apon volupteousnes more then the lovers of god
5 havynge a similitude of godly lyvynge but have denyed the power ther of and soche abhorre.
6 Of this sorte are they which entre in to houses and brynge into bondage wymmen laden with synne which wemen are ledde of divers lustes
7 ever learnynge and never able to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth.
8 As Iannes and Iambres withstode Moses even so do these resist the trueth men they are of corrupt myndes and leawde as concernynge the fayth:
9 but they shall prevayle no leger. For their madnes shalbe vttered vnto all men as theirs was.