1 And this know you, that in the last days there shall come perilous times,
2 for men\'7bpeople\'7d shall be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, evil-speakers\'7bprofane, those speaking insults\'7d, to parents disobedient, unthankful, unkind\'7bunsacred (Gk. anosios)\'7d,
3 without natural affection\'7baffectionless\'7d, implacable\'7bunappeasable, irreconcilable, relentless\'7d, false accusers\'7bslanderers\'7d, incontinent\'7bwithout restraint, undisciplined, lacking self-control\'7d, fierce, not lovers of those who are good,
4 traitors, heady\'7brash, reckless\'7d, lofty\'7bconceited\'7d, lovers of pleasure\'7bhedonists\'7d more\'7brather\'7d than lovers of God,
5 having a form\'7bsemblance\'7d of piety, and its power having denied; and from these be turning away,
6 for of these there are those coming into the houses and leading captive the silly women, laden\'7bweighed down, heaped, piled\'7d with sins, led away with desires manifold\'7bof various sorts\'7d,
7 always learning, and\'7byet\'7d never to a knowledge of truth able to come,
8 and, even as Jannes and Jambres stood against\'7bopposed\'7d Moses, so also these do stand against\'7boppose\'7d the truth, men\'7bpeople\'7d corrupted in mind, disapproved\'7brejected\'7d concerning the faith;
9 but they shall not advance any further, for their folly shall be manifest\'7bobvious, plain\'7d to all, as theirs also did become.