16 I saye agayne lest eny man thynke yt I am folishe: or els eve now take me as a fole that I maye bost my silfe a lytell.
17 That I speake I speake it not after the wayes of the lorde: but as it were folysshly whill we are now come to bostynge.
18 Seynge that many reioyce after ye flesshe I will reioyce also.
19 For ye suffre foles gladly be cause that ye youre selves are wyse.
20 For ye suffre even if a man brynge you into bondage: yf a ma devoure: yf a man take: yf a man exalt hym silfe: yf a man smyte you on the face.
21 I speake as concernynge rebuke as though we had bene weake. How be it wherin soever eny man dare be bolde (I speake folisshly) I dare be bolde also
22 They are Ebrues so am I: They are Israelites eve so am I. They are ye seede of Abraha even so am I.
23 They are ye ministers of Christ (I speake as a fole) I am moare: In labours moare aboundat: In strypes above measure: In preson more plenteously: In deeth ofte.
24 Of the Iewes five tymes receaved I every tyme .xl. strypes saue one.
25 Thryse was I beten with roddes. I was once stoned. I suffered thryse shipwracke. Nyght and daye have I bene in the depe of the see.
26 In iorneyinge often: In parels of waters: In parels of robbers: In ieoperdies of myne awne nacion: In ieoperdies amoge the hethen. I have bene in parels in cities in parels in wildernes in parels in the see in parels amonge falce brethren
27 in laboure and travayle in watchynge often in honger in thirst in fastynges often in colde and in nakednes.
28 And besyde the thynges which outwardly happe vnto me I am cobred dayly and do care for all congregacions.
29 Who is sicke and I am not sicke? Who is hurte in the fayth and my hert burneth not?
30 Yf I must nedes reioyce I will reioyce of myne infirmities.