1 John 2:24-29

Twentieth_Century(i) 24 As for you, let what you were told at the first be always in your thoughts. If, then, what you were told at the first is always in your thoughts, you yourselves will maintain your union both with the Son and with the Father. 25 And this is what he himself promised us--The Immortal Life! 26 In writing thus to you, I have in mind those who are trying to mislead you. 27 But you--you still retain in your hears that consecration which you received from the Christ, and are not in need of any one to teach you; but, since his consecration of you teaches you about everything, and since it is a real consecration, and no lie, then, as it has taught you, maintain your union with him. 28 Yes, my Children, maintain your union with Christ, so that, whenever he appears, our confidence may not fail us, and we may not be ashamed to meet him at his coming. 29 Knowing him to be righteous, you realize that every one who lives righteously has received the new Life from him.