Job 3

Thomson(i) 1 After this Job opened his mouth and cursed his day, 2 saying, 3 Perish the day in which I was born; and the night in which they said, It is a male! 4 Let that night be darkness: let not the Lord from above regard it, nor splendour come upon it: 5 but let darkness and the shadow of death cover it: upon it let there come a thick darkness. May the day be execrated! 6 And as for that night, may a pitchy darkness sweep it away! May that never come into the days of the year; nor be numbered among the days of months. 7 But as for that night, may it be sorrow, and may there never come upon it gladness or mirth! 8 But let him curse it who curseth the day; him who is to attack the great sea monster. 9 May the stars of that night be obscured in darkness: may it long for light but never reach it; nor see the rising of the morning star: 10 because it shut not up the door of my mother's womb: for that would have removed sorrow from mine eyes: 11 for why did I not end my days in the womb? Or when I came forth from the belly why did I not instantly perish? 12 Why was I dandled upon the knees? And why have I sucked the breasts? 13 I might now have lain still and been quiet; I might have gone to sleep and been at rest; 14 with despots of the earth who gloried in their swords: 15 or with chiefs who abounded in gold; who filled their houses with silver; 16 or like an untimely birth sent forth from its mother's womb: or like infants which never saw the light. 17 There the wicked have ceased to be a terror: there the weary have got rest for their body: 18 and they of old who are assembled there together; have never heard the exactor's voice. 19 Small and great are there on a level; the servant, with his dreaded lord. 20 For why is light given to them in misery; or life to souls distressed with sorrow, 21 who long for death but find it not; though they dig for it as for treasures; 22 and would rejoice exceedingly if they should chance to find it. 23 For God hath shut up death from a man; to whom it would have been a repose. 24 For my groaning cometh before my meat; and I pour forth tears, begirt with sorrow. 25 For the terror, which I dreaded, is come upon me; and that, of which I was afraid, hath befallen me. 26 Did I not cultivate peace? was I not quiet? was I not at rest? Yet wrath is come upon me.