Romans 2:4-9

Murdock(i) 4 Or wilt thou abuse the riches of his benevolence, and his long suffering, and the opportunity which he giveth thee? And dost thou not know, that the benevolence of God should bring thee to repentance? 5 But, because of the hardness of thy unrepenting heart, thou art treasuring up a store of wrath against the day of wrath, and against the revelation of the righteous judgment of God: 6 who will recompense to every man, according to his deeds; 7 to them who, by perseverance in good works, seek for glory and honor and immortality, to them he will give life eternal; 8 but to them who are obstinate and obey not the truth, but obey iniquity, to them he will retribute wrath and ire. 9 And tribulation and anguish will be to every man that doeth evil; to the Jews first, and also to the Gentiles: