Romans 2:4-9

Mace(i) 4 or do you despise the riches of his kindness, and forbearance, and long-suffering; not considering that the kindness of God invites you to repentance? 5 however by your impenitence, and the insensibility of your heart, you treasure up for yourself wrath against the day of wrath, and of the revelation of the righteous judgment of God, 6 who will render to every man according to his actions: eternal life to those, 7 who by patient continuance in well doing, seek for glory, honour, and immortality; 8 but unto those who are contentious, and do not yield to the truth, but give way to injustice, indignation and wrath, 9 tribulation and anguish to every one that doth evil, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile.