14 For the greate daye of the Lorde is at hande, it is harde by, and commeth on a pace. Horryble is the tydynges of the Lordes daye, then shall the gyaunte crye oute:
15 for that daye is a daye of wrath, a daye of trouble and heuinesse, a daye of vtter destruccyon & mysery, a darcke & glomyng daye, a cloudy and stormy daye,
16 a daye of the noyse of trompettes & shawmes, agaynst the stronge cities & hye towres.
17 I wyl brynge the people into suche vexacyon, that they shal go aboute lyke blyndemen, because they haue synned agaynste the Lorde. Theyr bloude shalbe shed as the duste, & theyr bodyes as the myre.
18 Nether theyr syluer nor theyr golde shalbe able to delyuered them in the wrothfull daye of the Lorde, but the whole lande shalbe consumed thorow the fyre of his gelousy: for he shall soone make cleane ryddaunce of all them that dwell in the lande.