Psalms 79:1-8

Matthew(i) 1 A Psalme of Asaph. O God, the Heathen are fallen into thyne heritage: the holy temple haue they defiled, and made Ierusalem an heape of stones. 2 The deade bodye of thy seruauntes haue they geuen vnto the foules of the ayre to be deuoured, and the flesh of thy saintes vnto the beastes of the lande. 3 Their bloude haue they shed lyke water on euery syde of Ierusalem, and ther was no man to bury them. 4 We are become an open shame vnto oure enemyes, a verye scorne and derysyon vnto them that are rounde aboute vs. 5 Lorde, howe longe wylt thou be angrye? shall thy ielousy burne lyke fyre for euer? 6 Poure oute thyne indignacyon vpon the Heathen that knowe the not, and vpon the Kyngdomes that call not vpon thy name. 7 For they haue deuoured Iacob, and laied wast his dwellynge place. 8 O remembre not oure olde synnes, but haue mercye vpon vs, and that soone, for we are come to greate mysery.