Psalms 35:15-21

Matthew(i) 15 But in myne aduersitie they reioyse, & gather them together. Yea, the very lame come together agaynste me vnwares, makynge mowes at me, and ceasse not. 16 With the gredy and scorneful hypocrites they gnasshed vpon me with their teeth. 17 Lorde, whan wilt thou loke vpon thys? O restore my soule from the wycked rumoure of them, my dearlynge from the lyons? 18 So will I geue the thanckes in the great congregacion, and prayse the among muche people. 19 O let them not triumphe ouer me, that are myne enemyes for naught: O let them not winke with their eyes, that hate me without a cause. 20 And why? their comening is not for peace but they ymagyn false wordes agaynste the outcastes of the lande. 21 They gape vpon me with their mouthes, saying: there, there: we se it with our eyes.