11 O go not fro me then, for trouble is harde at hande, and here is none to helpe me.
12 Great bulles are come about me, fatte oxen close me in on euery syde.
13 They gape vpon me with their mouthes, as it were a rampynge and roarynge Lyon.
14 I am poured out lyke water, all my boones are out of ioynt: my herte in the middest of my body is euen lyke meltyng waxe.
15 My strength is dryed vp lyke a potsherde, my tunge cleueth to my goomes, & thou haste brought me into the dust of death.
16 For dogges are come about me, the counsail of the wicked hath layed seage against me. They pearsed my handes and my fete,
17 I might haue tolde all my bones: as for them, they stode staryng and lokyng vpon me.
18 They haue parted my garmentes among them, and cast lottes vpon my vesture.
19 But be not thou farre fro me, O Lorde: thou art my succoure, haste the to helpe me.
20 Delyuer my soule from the swearde, my dearlyng from the power of the dogge.
21 Saue me from the Lyons mouth, & heare me from amonge the hornes of the Vnicornes.