Numbers 4:4-20

Matthew(i) 4 Thys shalbe the offyce of the chyldren of Kahath in the tabernacle of wytnesse whiche is moost holy. 5 And when the hoste remoueth, Aaron and his sonnes shal come & take doune the vayle, and couer the arcke of wytnesse there wyth, 6 & shall put theron a coueryng of taxus skynnes, & shal spreide a cloth that is altogether of iacyncte aboue all, and put the staues therof in. 7 And vpon the shewe table, they shal spreide abrode a cloth of iacincte, and put theron the dyshes, spones, flat peces and pottes to poure wyth, & the dayly bread shalbe theron: 8 & they shal spreade vpon them a couerynge of purple, and couer the same wyth a coueryng of taxus skynnes, & put the staues therof in. 9 And they shal take a cloth of iacincte & couer the candelstyck of lyght & her lampes & her snuffers, and fyre pannes, and al her oyle vessels which they occupye aboute it, 10 & shal put vpon her & vpon all her instrumentes, a coueryng of taxus skynnes, and put it vpon staues. 11 And vpon the golden alter they shall sprede a cloth of Iacyncte, and put on her staues. 12 And they shall take all the thynges whych they occupye to minystre wt in the holy place, & put a cloth of Iacyncte vpon them and couer them wyth a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put them on staues. 13 And they shall take awaye the asshes out of the alter, and spreyde a scarlet clothe theron: 14 and put aboute it, the fyre pannes, the flesh hokes, the shouels, the basens & all that belongeth vnto the alter, and they shal sprede vpon it a couerynge of taxus skynnes, & put on the staues of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of coueryng the sanctuary & al the thinges of the sanctuarye, agaynst that the hoste remoue, then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to beare, & so let them not touche the sanctuary least they dye. And thys is the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the tabernacle of wytnesse. 16 And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the preast, shall haue the charge to prepare oyle for the lyghtes & swete incens, & the dayly meatoffrynge & the anoyntynge oyle, and the ouersyghte of all the dwellyng and of all that therin is, both ouer the sanctuary and of al that pertayneth therto. 17 And the Lord spake vnto Moses & Aaron sayinge: 18 destroy not the trybe of the kynredes of the Cahathites, from among the Leuites. 19 But thus do vnto them that they may lyue and not dye, when they go vnto the moost holy place. Aaron and hys sonnes shal go in and put them euery man vnto his seruyce and vnto hys burthen. 20 But let them not go in to se when they couer the sanctuarye, lest they dye.