Numbers 16:35-40

Matthew(i) 35 And there came out a fyre from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fyftye men that offered cense. 36 And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying: 37 Speake vnto Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the prieste and lette hym take vp the censers oute of the burnynge & scatter the fyre here and there, 38 for the censers of the synners are halowed in theyr deathes: and let them be beaten, into thyne plates and fastened vpon the alter. For they offered theim before the Lorde, and therfore they are holye and they shalbe a sygne vnto the children of Israel. 39 And Eleazar the Prieste toke the brasen censers whych they that were burnt had offered, & beate them and fastened them vpon the alter, 40 to be a remembraunce vnto the children of Israel, that no straunger which is not of the seed of Aaron, come nere to offer cense before the Lord, that he be not made lyke vnto Corah and hys companye: as the Lord sayd vnto hym by the hand of Moses.