10 And all the whole multitude bade stone them with stones. But the glory of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle of witnesse, vnto all the chyldren of Israel.
11 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: Howe longe shall thys people rayle vpon me, & how long wyll it be yer they beleue me, for all my sygnes whiche I haue shewed amonge them?
12 I wyll smyte them wyth the pestilence and destroy them, & wyll make of the a greater nacion & a myghtier then they.
13 And Moses sayd vnto the Lorde: then the Egyptians shall heare it, for thou broughtest thys people wyth thy myghte from among them.
14 And it wylbe told to the inhabiters of thys land also, for they haue heard likewyse, that thou the Lord arte among thys people, & that thou art sene face to face, and that thy cloude standeth ouer them & that thou goest before them by day tyme in a pyller of a cloud and in a pyller of fire by night.
15 If thou shalt kyl al thys people as they were but one man then the nacions which haue herde the fame of the, wyl speake saying:
16 because the Lorde was not able to brynge in thys people in to the land which he sware vnto them, therfore he slewe them in the wyldernesse.
17 So nowe let the power of my Lorde be greate, acordyng as thou hast spoken saying:
18 the Lord is longe year he be angrye, and ful of mercy, and suffereth synne and trespace, and leaueth no man innocent, and vysyteth the vnrighteousnesse of the fathers vpon the chyldren, euen vpon the thyrd and fourth generacion,
19 be mercyfull I beseche the therfore vnto the synne of thys people according vnto thy greate mercy, and accordyng as thou hast forgeuen thys people from Egypt euen vnto thys place.
20 And the Lorde sayde: I haue forgeuen it, accordyng to thy request.
21 But as trulye as I lyue, al the erth shalbe fylled wt my glorye.
22 For of al those men which haue sene my glorye & my miracles which I did in Egypte & in the wyldernesse, & yet haue tempted me now this .x. tymes & haue not herkened vnto my voyce,
23 there shall not one se the lande which I sware vnto their fathers nether shal any of them that rayled vpon me, se it.
24 But my seruaunt Caleb: because there is another maner spirite with him, and because he hath folowed me vnto the vtmost: him I wil bryng into the lande whyche he hath walked in, & hys seed shall conquere it,
25 and also the Amaleckites and Cananites whych dwell in the lowe contryes. To morowe turne you & get you into the wyldernesse: euen the waye toward the redd sea.
26 And the Lord spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayinge:
27 how longe shal thys euyll multitude murmure agaynst me?
28 I haue hearde the murmurynges of the chyldren of Israell whych they murmure against me. Tel them that the Lorde sayeth. As truely as I lyue, I wyl do vnto you euen as ye haue spoken in myne eares.
29 Your carkesses shal lye in thys wyldernesse, nether shal any of these nombres whych were nombred from .xx. yere & aboue of you which haue murmured agaynste me
30 come into the land ouer which I lyfted mine hande to make you dwel therin, saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune, and Iosua the sonne of Nun.
31 And your children which ye said should be a praye, them I wyl bryng in, and they shall knowe the lande which ye haue refused,
32 and youre carkesses shall lye in this wyldernesse
33 And your chyldren shall wandre in this wildernesse .xl. yeres and suffer for your whoredome vntil your carkesses be wasted in the wildernesse,
34 after the nombre of the daies in which ye serched out the land .xl. daies, & euery daye a yere: so that they shall beare your vnryghteousnes .xl. yere, & ye shal fele my vengeaunce
35 I the Lorde haue sayed that I wyll do it vnto all thys euyll congregacyon that are gethered together agaynst me: euen in thys wyldernesse ye shalbe consumed, and here ye shal dye.
36 And the men which Moses sent to serche the lande, & which (when they came agayn) made al the people to murmure against it in that they broughte vp a sclaunder vpon the lande:
37 dyed for theyr bryngyng vp that euyll sclaunder vpon it, & were plaged before the Lorde.
38 But Iosua the sonne of Nun and Caleb the sonne of Iephune which were of the men that went to serche the lande, lyued styll.
39 And Moses tolde these sayinges vnto al the chyldren of Israell, and the people toke great sorowe.
40 And they rose vp yerly in the mornyuge & gatt them vp into the toppe of the mountayne sayinge: lo we be here, & wyll go vp vnto the place of which the Lorde sayed, for we haue synned.
41 And Moses sayed: wherfore wyll ye go on thys maner beyonde the worde of the Lorde? it wyll not come well to passe