1 And al the multitude cryed out, and the people wepte thorowe out that nyght,
2 and all the chyldren of Israell murmured agaynst Moses and Aaron. And the whole congregacion sayde vnto them: wolde God that we had dyed in the land of Egypt, eyther we wold that we had dyed in thys wyldernesse.
3 Wherfore hath the Lorde brought vs vnto thys lande to fall vpon the swerde, that both oure wyues, and also our chyldren shoulde be a praye? is it not better that we retourne vnto Egypt agayne?
4 And they sayd one to an other: let vs make a captayne and retourne vnto Egypt agayn.
5 And Moses and Aaron fel on theyr faces before al the congregacion of the multitude of the children of Israel.
6 And Iosua the sonne of Nun, & caleb the sonne of Iephune whych were of them that serched the land rent their clothes
7 and spake vnto all the companye of the chyldren of Israell sayinge: The lande which we walked thorowe to serche it, is a very good land.
8 If the Lorde haue lust to vs he wyl brynge vs in to thys land and geue it vs, whyche is a lande that floweth wyth mylke and hony.
9 But in any wyse rebell not agaynst the Lorde, Moreouer feare ye not the people of the land, for they are but bread for vs. Theyr shyeld is departed from them, and the Lorde is wyth vs: feare them not therfore.
10 And all the whole multitude bade stone them with stones. But the glory of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle of witnesse, vnto all the chyldren of Israel.