27 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the chyldren of Nephthali, was Ahira the sonne of Enan,
28 of thys maner were the iourneies of the children of Israel, with theyr armyes when they remoued.
29 And Moses said vnto Hobab the sonne of Raguell the Madianyte, Moses father in lawe: we goo vnto the place of whych the Lord sayd I wyll geue it you. Go with vs & we wyl doo the good, for the Lord hath promysed good vnto Israell.
30 And he sayd vnto hym: I wyl not: but wyll go to myne awne land and to my kynred.
31 And Moses sayd oh nay, leaue vs not, for thou knowest where is best for vs to pitch in the wildernesse: & thou shalt be oure eyes.
32 And yf thou go with vs, loke what goodnesse the Lord sheweth vpon vs, the same we wyl shewe vpon the.
33 And they departed from the mounte of the Lord .iij. dayes iourney, and the arcke of the testament of the Lorde went before them in the .iij. dayes iourney to serche out a resting place for them.
34 And the cloude of the Lorde was ouer them by day, when they went out of the tentes.
35 And when the arcke went forth, Moses sayde: Ryse vp Lorde and let thyne enemies be scatered, and let them that hate the flee before the.
36 And when the arcke rested, he sayde retourne Lorde vnto the many thousandes of Israell.