46 And they layde theyr handes on hym, and toke him.
47 And one of them that stode by, drue out a swerde & smote a seruaunt of the hye priest, and cut of hys eare.
48 And Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto them: ye be come oute as vnto a thefe with swerdes & with staues, for to take me.
49 I was daylye wt you in the temple teachynge, and ye toke me not: but that the scriptures shoulde be fulfylled.
50 And they all forsoke him, & ranne away.
51 And there folowed him a certayne yong man clothed in linnen vpon the bare, and the yong men caught him,
52 and he lefte hys linnen, and fleed from them naked.
53 And they leed Iesus awaye to the hyest priest of all, & to him came all the hye priestes, and the elders, and the scribes.