11 Thys is the lawe of the peaceofferinges which shalbe offered to the Lorde.
12 If he offer to gyue thanckes, he shal bryng vnto hys thanke offeringe: swete cakes mingled wyth oyle and swete wafers anoynted wyth oyle, & cakes mingled wyth oyle of fyne flower fryed,
13 & he shal bring his offeryng vpon cakes made of leuended bread vnto the thankeoffering of his peace offeringes
14 and of them al he shal offer one to be an heueofferynge vnto the Lorde, and it shall be the Priestes that sprynkeleth the bloude of the peaceofferynges.
15 And the flesh of the thankeoffering of his peaceofferinges shalbe eaten the same day that it is offered, and there shal none of it be layed vp vntil the mornyng.
16 If it be a vowe or a fre wyloffringe that he bryngeth, the same daye that he offereth it it shal be eaten, & that which remaineth may be eaten on the morowe:
17 but as much of the offered flesh as remaineth vnto the third day shalbe burnt with fyre.
18 For if ani of the flesh of the peaceofferynges be eaten in the thirde day, then shal he that offred it optayne no fauour, neyther shall it be rekened vnto hym: but shall be an abhomination, and the soule that eateth of it shal beare the sinne therof.
19 The fleshe that toucheth any vncleane thing shall not be eaten, but burnte wyth fyre: & all that be cleane in theyr flesh, may eat flesh.
20 If any soule eat of the flesh of the peace offrings that pertaine vnto the Lorde, & his vncleannesse yet vpon hym, the same Soule shal peryshe from amonge hys people.
21 Moreouer if a soule touch any vncleane thing, whether it be the vnclennes of man or of any vncleane beast, or of any abhomination that is vnclene and then eat of the fleshe of the peaceofferynges which pertaine vnto the Lord, that soule shal peryshe from his people.