1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in mount Sinai, sayinge:
2 speake vnto the children of Israel & saye vnto them. When ye be come into the Lande whyche I gyue you, let the Land rest a Sabbothe vnto the Lorde.
3 Syxe yeres thou shalt sowe thy felde, and syxe yere thou shalt cut thy vynes & gather in thy frutes.
4 But the seuenth yeare shall be a Sabothe of rest vnto the lande. The Lordes Saboth it shalbe, and thou shalt neuer sowe thy feylde nor cut thy vynes.
5 The corne that groweth by it selfe thou shalt not repe, nether gather the grapes that growe wythout thy dressynge: but it shall be a Saboth of rest vnto the lande.
6 Neuerthelesse the Saboth of the Lande shall be meate for you: euen for the and thy seruaunte and for thy mayd and for thy hyred seruaunte and for the straunger that dwelleth with the:
7 and for thy cattell and for the beastes that are in thy Lande, shall all the encrease thereof be meate.