Judges 9:8-15

Matthew(i) 8 The trees went to anoynt a Kynge ouer them, & sayde vnto the olyue tree raygne ouer vs. 9 But the olyue tree sayd vnto them: shuld I leaue my fattenesse which both God & man prayseth in me, and go to be promoted ouer the trees. 10 Then sayde the trees to the fygge tree, come thou and be kyng ouer vs. 11 And the fygge tree aunswered them, shuld I forsake my swetnes & my good frute, & shuld go to be promoted ouer the trees. 12 Then sayde the trees vnto the vyne, come thou & be Kyng ouer vs. 13 And the vyne aunswered, shulde I leaue my wyne that cheareth both God & man & go to be promoted ouer the trees. 14 Then said all the trees vnto the fyrre bushe come thou and ragne ouer vs. 15 And the fyrre bushe sayd vnto the trees: yf it be true that ye wyl anoint me Kynge ouer you, then come and reste vnder my shadowe, & ye shall se that a fyre shall come out of the fyrre bushe, & waste the Cyper trees of Lybanon.