Judges 9:8-15

Bishops(i) 8 The trees went foorth to annoynt a kyng ouer them, and sayde vnto the Olyue tree: Raigne thou ouer vs 9 But the Olyue tree sayd vnto them: Should I leaue my fatnesse wherwith by me they honour God and man, & to be promoted ouer the trees 10 And the trees sayd to the figge tree: Come thou, and be kyng ouer vs 11 The figge tree aunswered them: should I forsake my sweetnes, and my good fruite, and go to be promoted ouer the trees 12 Then sayde the trees vnto the vine: Come thou and be kyng ouer vs 13 The vine sayde vnto them: Should I leaue my wine wherby I cheare both God and man, and go to be promoted ouer the trees 14 Then said all the trees vnto the bryer: Come thou and raigne ouer vs 15 And the bryer sayde vnto the trees: If it be true that ye will annoynt me kyng ouer you, then come and put your trust vnder my shadow: If no, the fyre come out of the bryer, & waste the Cedar trees of Libanon