21 And the chyldren of Ben Iamin dyd not caste oute the Iebusites that enhabyted Ierusalem, but the Iebusites dwell wyth the chyldren of Ben Iamin in Ierusalem, vnto thys daye.
22 And in lyke maner the house of Ioseph went vp to Bethell and the Lorde wyth them
23 and the house of Ioseph serched out Bethell which before tyme was called Lus.
24 And the spyes sawe a man come out of the cytye and they sayde vnto hym: shew vs the waye into the cytye. And we wyl shewe the mercy.
25 And he shewed them the waye into the cytye, and they smote it with the edge of the swerde, but let the man and all hys houshold go free,
26 And the man wente into the lande of the Hethites, and buylt a cytye and called the name thereof Lus whiche is the name thereof vnto thys daye.
27 Neyther dyd Manasses expelle Bethsean wyth her tounes, nether Tanaach wyth her tounes, neyther the enhabytoures of Dor wt her tounes, neyther the enhabytours of Ieblaam with her tounes, neyther the enhabitours of Magedo wyth her tounes, and so the Cananites went to and dwelt in the sayde lande.
28 But as sone as Israell was waxed myghtye they put the Cananites to trybute: But expelled them not.
29 In lyke maner Ephraim expelled not the Cananites that dwelt in Gazer, but the Cananites dwelt stylle in Gazer among them.
30 Neyther dyd Zabulon expell the enhabytoures of Ketron, neyther the enhabytours of Naholol: But the Cananites dwelt amonge them, and be came trybutaryes.
31 Neyther dyd Aser cast out the enhabitours of Acho, neyther the enhabitours of Zidon, of Ahalab, Aczib, Halbah, Aphek, nor of Rohob,
32 but the Aserytes dwelte amonge the Cananites the enhabytours of the lande, & draue them not out.
33 Neyther dyd Nephtalim dryue oute the enhabytoures of Bethsames, nor the enhabytoures of Bethanath, but dwelle amongest the Cananytes the enhabytours of the lande. Neuerthelesse the enhabytours of Bethsames & of Bethanath be came trybutaryes vnto them.
34 And the Amorites kept the chyldren of Dan in the mountaynes, and suffered them not to come doune to the valeys.
35 And so the Amorites went to and dwelled in mount Heres in Haylon and in Galabim. Neuerthelater the hand of Ioseph waxed heuye vpon them, so that they became trybutaryes.
36 And the coastes of the Amorytes was from the goyng vp to Acrabim, and from the rocke vpwarde.