13 And when Iosua was come to Iericho, he lyfte vp his eyes and loked: and behold there stode a man before him with his swerd drawen in his hande. And Iosua went vnto hym, and sayde vnto hym: arte thou on our syde, or on our aduersaries.
14 And he answered: Naye, but I am the captayne of the hoste of the Lorde, & am nowe come. And Iosua fell on hys face to the earth and dyd reuerence, and sayd vnto hym, what sayth my Lorde vnto hys seruaunt.
15 And the captayne of the Lordes hoste sayde vnto Iosua: do thy shoes of thy feete, for the place wheron thou standest, is holye. And Iosua dyd so.
6 1 And Iericho shut in her people, & was shut for feare of the chyldren of Israel, so that no man went out or in.
2 And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua: beholde, I haue geuen into thyne hand Iericho & her kynge & the men of warre.