1 When Iesus had spoken these wordes, he wente forth with his disciples ouer the broke Cedron, where was a garden into the whiche he entred with his discyples.
2 Iudas also which betrayed hym, knewe the place: for Iesus oftetymes resorted thither with hys disciples.
3 Iudas then after he had receyued a bande of men, and ministers of the hye priestes and Phariseis, came thyther wt lanternes and fyrebrandes, and weapens.
4 Then Iesus knowing all thynges that should come on hym, wente forth, and sayed vnto them: whom seke ye?
5 They aunswered hym: Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus sayed vnto them: I am he. Iudas also which betrayed hym, stode wt them.
6 But assone as he had sayd vnto them: I am he, they went backwardes, and fell to the grounde.
7 And he asked them agayne: whome seke ye? They aunswered: Iesus of Nazareth.
8 Iesus aunswered: I sayde vnto you: I am he. Yf ye seke me, let these go theyr waye.
9 That the saiynge myght be fulfylled which he spake: of them which thou gauest me, haue I not loste one.
10 Simon Peter hadde a swerde, & drue it, and smote the hye Pryestes seruaunte, and cut of hys ryght eare. The seruauntes name was Malchus.
11 Then sayed Iesus vnto Peter: put vp thy swerde into the sheath: shall I not drinke of the cup whiche my father hathe geuen me?