2 For some men there be, that remoue other mens landemarkes, that robbe them of their catell, and kepe the same for their owne:
3 that driue away the asse of the fatherlesse, that take the wyddowes oxe for a pledge:
4 that thrust the poore oute of the waie, and oppresse the simple of the worlde together.
5 Beholde, the wilde asses in the deserte go by tymes, as their maner is, to spoyle: Yea, the very wyldernesse mynystreth fode for their children.
6 They reape the corne feld that is not their owne and gather the grapes oute of hys vineyard, whome they haue oppressed by vyolence.
7 They are the cause that so many men are naked and bare, hauinge no clothes to couer them and kepe them from coulde:
8 So that when the showers in the mountaynes haue rayned vpon them, and they be all wet, they haue none other succoure, but to kepe them among the rockes.
9 They spoyle the sucking fatherlesse children and put the dore in preson.
10 In so muche that they let them go naked withoute clothinge, and yet the hungry beare the sheues.
11 The poore are fayne to laboure in their oyle mylles, yea and to treade in their wyne presses, & yet to suffre thyrst.
12 The whole cyty cryeth vnto the Lorde with syghynge, the soules of the slayne make their complainte. But God destroieth them not for al this,
13 where as they (notwithstandinge) are rebellious and disobedient enemies: whiche seke not his lyghte and waye, nor turne agayne into hys pathe.
14 Tymely in the mornynge do they aryse, to murthur the simple and poore, & in the night they go a stealynge.
15 The eye of the vngodly is lyke the aduouterer, that wayteth for the darckenesse, & sayeth thus in hym selfe: Tush, there shall no man se me, & so he disgyseth his face.
16 In the nighte ceason they searche the houses, and hyd them selues in the day tyme, but wyll not knowe the light.