2 For some men there be, that remoue other mens landemarkes, that robbe them of their catell, and kepe the same for their owne:
Job 24:2 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 19:14
14 Thou shalt not remoue thy neyghboures mark whych they of olde tyme haue sett in thyne enheritaunce that thou enherettest in the lande whihe the Lorde thy God geueth the to enioye it.
Deuteronomy 27:17
17 Cursed be he that remoueth his neighbours marcke and all the people shall saye Amen.
Job 1:15
15 the Sabees came in violently, and toke them all awaye: ye they haue slayne thy seruauntes with the swearde and I only ranne my waye, to tell the.
Job 1:17
17 In that meane season whyle he was yet speakynge there came another, and sayde: The Caldees made thre armies, & fell in vpon thy camels, which they haue caried awaye, yee and slayne thy seruauntes with the swearde: and I only am gotten awaye, to tell the:
Job 5:5
5 that hys haruest was eaten vp of the hungrye: that the weapened man had spoyled it, and that the thurstye had droncke vp his riches. It is not the earth that bringeth forth trauayle,
Proverbs 22:28
28 Thou shalte not remoue the lande marke, which thy fore elders haue sette.
Proverbs 23:10
10 Remoue not the olde lande marke, and come not within the feld of the fatherles
Hosea 5:10
10 Yet are the princes of Iuda become lyke them, that remoue the landemarckes, therfore will I poure oute my wrath vpon them lyke water.