Job 24:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 Consyderinge then that there is no tyme hyd from the almighty, how happeneth it, that they whyche know him, will not regarde his dayes?

Genesis 7:4

4 For seuen dayes hence wil I sende rayne vpon the erth .xl. dayes and .xl. nyghtes, and wyll destroy al maner of thynges that I haue made, from of the face of the erth.

Genesis 18:17

17 And the Lord sayd: Can I hyde from Abraham that thyng whyche I am about to do,

Genesis 18:20-21

20 And the Lord sayd? The crye of Sodome and Gomorra is great, and their synne is excedynge greuous. 21 I wyll go doune and sea whether they haue done all to gether acordynge to that crye which is come vnto me or not, that I may knowe.

Psalms 9:10

10 Therfore they that know thy name, putte their trust in the: for thou (Lorde) neuer faylest them that seke the.

Psalms 31:15

15 My tyme is in thy hande: deliuer me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.

Psalms 36:10

10 O sprede forth thy louing kyndnesse vnto them that knowe the, and thy ryghteousnesse vnto them that are true of hert.

Psalms 73:16-19

16 Then thought I, to vnderstande this, but it was to harde for me. 17 Vntyll I wente into the Sanctuary of God, and considred the ende of these men. 18 Namely, how thou hast set them in a slippery place, that thou mayst cast them doune headlinges and destroye them. 19 O how sodenly do they consume, perysh, and come to a fearful ende?

Ecclesiastes 3:17

17 Then thought I in my mind: God shal separat the rightuous from the vngodly, & then shalbe that time and iudgment of al councels and worckes.

Ecclesiastes 8:6-7

6 For euerye thinge wil haue oportunite and iudgement, and thys is the thynge that maketh men ful of carefulnes and sorowe. 7 And why a man knoweth not what is for to come, for who wyll tell him?

Ecclesiastes 9:11-12

11 So I turned me vnto other thynges vnder the Sonne, and I sawe, that in runnyng, it helpeth not to be swift: in battayll, it helpeth not to be stronge, to fedynge, it helpeth not to be wyse: to ryches, it helpeth not to be suttell: to be had in fauoure, it helpeth not to be cunnynge: but that all lyeth in tyme and fortune. 12 For a man knoweth not his tyme, but like as the fishes are taken wyth the angle and as the byrdes are catched with the snare Euen so are men taken in the perilous time, when it commeth sodenly vpon them.

Isaiah 2:12

12 For the daye of the Lorde of Hostes shall go ouer all pryde & presumpcyon, vpon all them that exalte them selues, & shall brynge them all doune:

Isaiah 60:22

22 The youngest and leest shall growe into a thousande, and the symplest into a strong people. I the Lorde shall shortly bringe this thinge to passe in hys tyme.

Jeremiah 12:1-3

1 O Lorde, thou art more rightuous then that I shulde dyspute with the: Neuertheles, lett me talke wyth the in thynges resonable. How happeneth it, that the waye of the vngodlye is so prosperous: and that it goeth so well with them, which (without eny shame) offende and lyue in wyckednesse? 2 Thou plantest them, they take rote, they growe, and brynge forth fruite: They booste moch of the, yet doest thou not punish them. 3 But thou Lorde (to whom I am well knowne) thou that hast sene, and proued my herte, take them awaye, lyke as a flocke is caryed to the slaughter house, & apoynte them for the daye of slaughter.

Jeremiah 46:10

10 So shall this daye be vnto the Lorde God of Hostes, a day of vengeaunce, that he maye avenge him of his enemies. The swearde shall deuoure, it shalbe satisfyed and bathed in their bloud For the Lorde God of Hostes shall haue a slayne offeringe towarde the North, by the water of Euphrates.

Daniel 2:21

21 he chaunged the tymes & ages: he putteth doune kynges, he setteth vp kinges he geueth wysdome vnto the wyse, & vnderstandynge to those that vnderstande,

Matthew 24:38

38 For as in the dayes before the floude, they did eate & drinke, mary and were maried, euen vnto the daye that Noe entred into the shippe,

Luke 21:22-24

22 For these be the dayes of vengeaunce, to fulfil all that are written. 23 But wo be to them that be with chylde, and to them that geue sucke in those dayes: for ther shalbe great trouble in the lande, and wrath ouer all this people. 24 And they shall fall on the edge of the swearde, and shalbe lead captyue into all nacyons. And Ierusalem shalbe troden vnder fote of the gentyls vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be fulfylled.

John 17:3

3 This is lyfe eternall that they myghte knowe, the that onely very God, and whome thou haste sente Iesus Christ.

Acts 1:7

7 And he sayed vnto them: It is not for you to know the tymes or the seasons which the father hath put in hys owne power

Acts 17:26

26 and hath made of one bloude all nacyons of men, for to dwell on al the face of the earth, and hath assygned before howe longe tyme, and also the endes of theyr inhabitacyon,

Romans 2:5

5 But thou after thyne harde herte that can not repente, heapeste the together the treasure of wrath againste the daye of vengaunce, when shall be opened the rightuous iudgement of God,

1 Thessalonians 5:1

1 Of the tymes and seasons brethren ye haue no nede, that I wryte vnto you:

1 Timothy 4:1

1 The spyryte speaketh euydentlye that in the later tymes some shal departe from the fayth, & shall geue heed vnto spyrytes of erroure, and deuelysh doctryne of them

1 Timothy 6:15

15 whiche appearynge (when the tyme is come) he shal shew that is blessed and myghtye onelye, kynge of kynges, & Lord of Lordes,

2 Peter 2:3

3 and thorowe couetousnes shal they wyth fayned wordes make marchaundyse of you, whose iudgement is not farre of, and theyr dampnacion slepeth not.

2 Peter 3:7-8

7 But the heauens verely and earth, which are now are kept by the same worde in store, and reserued vnto fyre, agaynste the daye of iudgemente, and perdycyon of vngodlye men. 8 Dearly beloued, be not ignoraunt of thys one thinge, howe that one daye is wyth the Lorde, as a thousande yeare, and a thousande yeare as one daye.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.