Jeremiah 8:5-7

Matthew(i) 5 Wherfore then is this people and Ierusalem gone to farre backe, that they turne not agayne. They are euer the longer the more obstynate, & wyl not be conuerted. 6 For I haue loked, & consydered: but there is no man that speaketh a good worde: there is no man that taketh repentaunce for hys synne, that wyll so muche as saye: wherfore haue I done thys? But euerye man (as sone as he is turned backe) runneth forth styl, lyke a wylde horse in a battayle. 7 The Storke knoweth hys appoynted tyme, the Turtledoue, the Swalowe & the Crane consydre the tyme of theyr trauayle: but my people wyll not know the tyme of the punyshmente of the Lorde.