6 yf ye wyl not oppresse the straunger, the fatherles & the wyddowe: yf ye wyll not shede innocent bloud in this place: yf ye wyll not cleue to straunge goddes to youre owne destruccyon:
7 then wil I let you dwell in thys place, yea in the land that I gaue afore tyme vnto youre fathers for euer.
8 But take hede, yea trust in councels, that begyle you & do you no good.
9 For when ye haue stolen, murthered, committed aduoutrye, and periury: When ye haue offred vnto Baal, folowyng straunge & vnknowne Goddes.
10 Then come ye, and stande before me in thys house, whiche hath my name geuen vnto it and say: Tush, we are absolued quite, though we haue done all these abhominacions.
11 What? thincke you thys house that beareth my name, is a denne of theues? And these thinges are not done priuelye, but before myne eyes sayeth the Lorde.
12 Go to my place in Silah, wherevnto I gaue my name afore tyme, & loke wel what I did to the same place for the wyckednes of my people of Israell.
13 And now, thoughe ye haue done all these dedes (sayth the Lorde) & I my selfe rose vp euer by tymes to warne you & to comen wyth you yet wolde ye not heare me: I called, ye wolde not aunswere.
14 And therfore euen as I haue done vnto Siloh, so wil I do to thys house, that my name is geuen vnto (and that ye put your trust in) ye vnto the place that I haue geuen to you & youre fathers.
15 And I shal thrust you of my syght, as I haue cast out all youre brethren the whole sede of Ephraim.