21 Go doune (O thou auenger) into the enemyes lande, and vyset them that dwel therin: doune with them, and smyte them vpon the backes, sayeth the Lorde: do accordyng to all, that I haue commaunded the.
22 There is gone aboute the lande a crye of a slaughter & great murther, namelye on thys maner:
23 How happeneth it, that the hammer of the whole world is thus broken and brosed in sonder? Howe chaunceth it, that Babylon is become a wyldernes amonge the Heathen on this maner?
24 I my selfe haue layed wayte for the, and thou arte taken: vnawarres arte thou trapped and snared: for why, thou haste prouoked the Lorde vnto anger:
25 The Lorde hath opened his house of ordynaunce, and broughte forthe the weapens of his wrath. For the thing that is done in the lande of the Caldees, it is the Lorde of hostes worcke.
26 These thinges shal come vpon her at the last, they shal breake into her preuye chambres, they shall leaue her as bare as stones, that be layed together vpon heapes. They shal so destroye her, that nothynge shall be lefte.
27 They shall slaye all their mightye soudyars, and put them to death. Wo be vnto them, for the daye & tyme of their visitacion is at hande.
28 Me thinke I heare all readye a crye, of them that be fled & escaped oute of the lande of Babylon, which shewe in Syon the vengeaunce of the Lorde oure God the vengeaunce of his temple, yea a voyce of them, that crye against Babylon:
29 Call vp all the archers agaynste Babylon, pytche youre tentes rounde aboute her, that none escape. Recompence her, as she hath deserued: and accordinge as she hath done, so deale wyth her agayne: for she hath set vp her selfe agaynste the Lorde, agaynste the holy one of Israel.