21 where as I planted the out of noble grapes & good rotes. How art thou turned then into a bitter, vnfrutefull, and straunge grape?
22 Yea, & that so sore: that thoughe thou wasshe the with Nitrus, and make thy self to fauoure with that swete smelling herbe of Borith: yet in my sight thou art stayned with thy wyckednesse, sayeth the Lorde thy God.
23 Saye not now: I am not vncleane, and I haue not folowed the Goddes. Loke vpon thyne owne wayes in the woddes, valleyes and dennes, so shalt thou knowe, what thou hast done. Thou art lyke a swyft Dromedary, that goeth easely in his waye:
24 and thy wantonnes is like a wilde Asse, that vseth the wildernesse, and that snoffeth and bloweth at his wyll. Who can tame the? All they that seke the, shal not fayle, but finde the in thine owne vnclennes.
25 Thou kepest thy fote from nakednes, and thy throte from thyrste, and thynkest thus in thy selfe: tushe, I will take no sorow, I will loue the straunge Goddes, and hang vpon them.
26 Lyke as a thefe that is taken with the dede commeth to shame, euen so is the house of Israell come to confusyon, the comen people their kynges and rulers, their priestes & prophetes.
27 For they saye to a stocke: thou art my father, and to a stone: thou hast be gotten me, yea they haue turned their backe vpon me, & not their face. But in the tyme of their trouble, when they saye: stande vp, and helpe vs,
28 I shal answere them: Where are now thy Goddes, that thou hast made the? byd them stande vp, & helpe the in the time of nede? For loke how many cityes thou hast (O Iuda) so many Goddes hast thou also.
29 Wherfore then will ye go to lawe wyth me, seynge ye are all synners agaynste me, sayeth the Lorde?
30 It is but lost laboure, that I smyte youre children, for they receyue not my correccyon. Youre owne swearde destroyeth youre Prophetes, lyke a deuourynge lyon.
31 Yf ye be the people of the Lorde, then herken vnto this worde: Am I then become a wyldernesse vnto the people of Israel? or a lande that hath no light? Wherfore sayeth my people then: we are fallen of, and we wyl come no more vnto the?
32 Doth a mayden forget her rayment, or a bryde her stomacher? And doth my people forget me so long?
33 Why boastest thou thy wayes so hylye (to obtayne fauoure there thorowe) when thou hast yet stayned them with blasphemyes?
34 Vpon thy wynges is founde the bloude of poore and innocent people, and that not in corners and holes onlye, but openly in all these places.
35 Yet darrest thou saye: I am giltlesse: Tush, his wrath can not come vpon me. Beholde, I will reason with the because thou darrest say: I haue not offended.