12 Therfore laye thys rydle before them, and saye: Thus sayeth the Lorde God of Israel: Euery pot shalbe fylled with wyne. And they shall saye: thinckest thou we knowe not, that euery pot shalbe fylled with wyne?
13 Then shalt thou saye vnto them: Thus sayeth the Lorde: Beholde: I shall fyll all the inhabytours of this lande with dronckennes, the Kynges that syt vpon Dauids stole, the Prestes and Prophetes, with all that dwell at Ierusalem.
14 And I wyll shute them one agaynst another, yee the fathers agaynst the sonnes, sayeth the Lorde. I wyll not pardon them, I will not spare them, ner haue pytye vpon them: but destroye them.