10 But the Lorde is a true God, a lyuynge God, and an euerlastinge kyng. Yf he be wroth, the earthe shaketh: all the Gentiles maye not abyde his indygnacyon.
11 As for theyr Goddes, it maye well be sayde of them: they are Goddes, that made neyther heauen nor earthe: therfore shall they peryshe from the earthe, & from al thynges vnder heauen
12 But (as for oure God) he made the earth with his power, and with hys wysdom hath he fynished the whole compasse of the worlde, wyth hys discrecion hath he spred oute the heauens.
13 At his voyce the waters gather together in the ayre, he draweth vp the cloudes from the vttermoste partes of the earth: he turneth lyghtenyng to rayne, & bryngeth forth the windes oute of theyr treasures: