14 But, yf ye haue bitter enuyinge and strife in youre hertes, reioyce not: neyther be lyars agaynste the trueth.
15 Thys wysedome descendeth not from aboue: but is earthye, & naturall, and deuelyshe:
16 For where enuiynge and stryfe is there is vnstablenes and all maner of euyll workes.
17 But the wysedome that is from aboue, is fyrste pure, then peasable, gentle, and easye to be entreated, full of mercye & good frutes, wythoute iudgynge, and wythout simulacyon:
18 yea, & the frute of ryghtuousnes is sowen in peace, of them that maintayne peace.
4 1 From whence commeth warre & fyghtynge amonge you: come they not hear hence? euen of your voluptuousnes, that rayne in youre membres.
2 Ye luste & haue not. Ye enuye and haue dignacyon, and cannot obtayne. Ye fyght and war and haue not, because ye axe not.