James 3:14-4:2

Mace(i) 14 but if envy and contention imbitter your minds, don't think your false pretences can stand against the truth: 15 such wisdom is not derived from heaven; but is terrestrial, sensual, demoniacal. 16 where false zeal, and a spirit of contention reign, there confusion and every vice prevail. 17 but wisdom deriv'd from heaven is first dispassionate, then pacific, equitable, and obsequious: full of beneficence, and all social virtue, free from partiality, and hypocrisy. 18 they who cultivate peace, enjoy the reward of their virtue. 4 1 you breathe slaughter and revenge for what you cannot obtain. 2 you quarrel and go to war, but without success, because you don't petition for it: and if you did,