Isaiah 63:11-15

Matthew(i) 11 Yet remembred he the olde tyme of Moses and hys people: How he brought them from the water of the sea, as a sheperde doth wyth his shepe: how he had geuen his holy spyryte amonge them: 12 howe he had led Moses by the ryght hande with hys glorious arme: how he had deuided the water before them (wherby he gat him selfe an euerlasting name) 13 how he led them in the depe as an horse is led in the playne, that they shoulde not stomble. 14 The spirite of the Lorde led them, as a tame beast goeth in the felde. Thus (O God) hast thou led thy people, to make thy selfe a glorious name wyth all. 15 Loke doune then from heauen, and beholde the dwellinge place of thy sanctuary and thy glory: how is it, that they gelousy, thy strength the multitude of thy mercyes, & thy louynge kindnesse, will not be entreated of vs.