Isaiah 52:7-10

Matthew(i) 7 O howe bewtyfull are the fete of the Embassytoure, that bryngeth the message from the mountaine, and proclameth peace, that bringeth the good tydynges, and preacheth health, and sayeth vnto Syon. Thy God is the kynge. 8 Thy watchemen shall lyft vp theyr voyce with loude voyce shall they preache of him: for they shall se him presente, when the Lorde shall come agayne to Syon. 9 Be glad, O thou desolate Ierusalem, and reioyce together, for the Lorde wyll comforte hys people, he wyll delyuer Ierusalem. 10 The Lorde wyl make bare hys holye arme, and shewe it forthe in the sight of al the Gentyls, & all the endes of the earthe shall se the sauing healthe of oure God.