17 Awake, awake, and stande vp, O Ierusalem, thou that from the hande of the Lorde, hast droncken oute the cuppe of hys wrath, thou that hast supped of, and sucked oute the slombrynge cuppe to the bottome.
18 For amonge all the sonnes whome thou haste begotten, there is not one that maye holde the vp: and not one to leade the by the hande, of al the sonnes that thou hast noryshed.
19 Both these thynges are happened vnto the, but who is sorye for it: Yea, destruccyon, wastynge, hunger, & swerde: but who hath conforted the?
20 Thy sonnes lye comfortles at the heade of euery strete lyke a taken venyson, and are full of the terryble wrath of the Lorde, & punyshmente of thy God.
21 And therfore thou myserable & droncken (howbe it not with wyne) Heare this:
22 Thus sayth thy Lorde, thy Lorde & God, the defender of his people: Beholde, I wyll take the slombrynge cuppe oute of thy hande, euen the cuppe with the dregges of my wrathe: that from hence forthe thou shalt neuer drincke it more,
23 & wyll put it in theyr hande that trouble the: whiche haue spoken to thy soule: stoupe doune, that we maye go ouer the: make thy body eauen with the grounde, and as the strete to go vpon.