1 Herken vnto me, ye that hold of ryghtuousnes, ye that seke the Lord. Take hede vnto the stone whereout ye are hewen, and to the graue whereoute ye are digged.
2 Consydre Abraham youre father, & Sara that bare you: how that I called him alone prospered hym well, & encreased him:
3 how the Lorde comforted Syon, and repayred all her decaye: makynge her deserte as a Paradyse, & her wyldernesse as the garden of the Lorde. Myrth and ioye was there, thanckesgeuynge and the voyce of prayse.
4 Haue respecte vnto me then, O my people, and laye thyne eare to me: for a lawe and an ordynaunce shall go forth from me, to lyghten the Gentyles.