18 Lyft vp thyne eyes, & loke aboute the: all these shall gather them together, and come to the. As truly as I lyue (saith the Lorde) thou shalte put them all vpon the, as an apparell, and gyrde them to the, as a bryde doth her Iewels.
19 As for thy lande that lyeth desolate, wasted & destroyed: it shalbe to narowe for them, that shall dwell in it. And they that wolde deuoure the, shalbe farre awaye.
20 Then the childe whom the baren shal bringe forth vnto the, shall saye in thyne eare: thys place is to narowe, syt nye together, that I maye haue roume.
21 Then shalt thou thincke by thy self: Who hath begotten me these: seing I am baren & alone, a captyue & an oute cast? And who hath noryshed them vp for me? I am desolate and alone, but from whence come these?
22 And therfore thus sayth the Lorde God. Beholde, I wyll stretch out myne hand to the Gentyles, and set vp my token to the people, They shal bryng the thy sonnes in theyr lappes, and carye thy doughters vnto the vpon theyr shoulders.