Isaiah 42:9-12

Matthew(i) 9 shewe yow these newe tydynges, and tell you them or they come, for olde thynges also are come to passe. 10 Synge therfore vnto the Lorde, a newe songe of thanckes geuynge, blowe out hys prayse vnto the ende of the world. They that be vpon the sea, and all that is therin, prayse hym, the Iles and they that dwell in them. 11 Let the wyldernes with her cities lyft vp her voyce, the townes also that be in Cedar. Let them be glad that syt vpon rockes of stone, & let them crie downe from the hye mountaynes: 12 ascribinge almightynes vnto the Lorde, and magnifying hym amonge the Gentyles.