10 I thought I shulde haue gone to the gates of hell in my best age, and haue wanted the resydue of my yeares.
11 I spake with in my selfe: I shall neuer viset the Lorde God in this lyfe: I shall neuer se man amonge the dwellers of the worlde.
12 Myne age is folden vp together, and taken awaye fro me, lyke a shepherdes cotage: my lyfe is hewen of, lyke as a weeuer cutteth of his webb. Whyle I was yet takynge my rest, he hewed me of, & made an ende of me in one day.
13 I thought I wolde haue lyued vnto the morow, but he brosed my bones lyke a lyon, and made an ende of me in one daye.
14 Then chatred I lyke a swalowe, and lyke a crane, and mourned as a doue. I lyfte vp myne eyes into the heyght: O Lorde (sayde I) vyolence is done vnto me, be thou suertye for me.
15 What shall I speake or saye, that he may this do? That I may lyue out all my yeares, yee in the bytternesse of my lyfe?
16 Verely (Lorde) men must lyue in bytternesse, & all my life muste I passe ouer therin: For thou raysest me vp, and wakest me. But lo, I wyllbe well content with this bytternes.
17 Neuertheles my conuersacyon hath so pleased the, that thou woldest not make an ende of my lyfe: so that thou hast cast all my synnes behynde thy back.
18 For hell prayseth not the, death doth not magnyfye the. They that go downe into the graue, prayse not thy trueth:
19 but the lyuyng, yee the liuinge acknowledge the, lyke as I do thys daye. The father telleth hys chyldren of thy faythfulnesse.
20 Delyuer vs (O Lorde) and we wyll singe prayses in thy house, all the dayes of oure life.
21 And Esay sayde: take a playster of fygges, and laye it vpon the sore, so shall it be whole.
22 Then sayd Hezekiah: O what a great thinge is this, that I shall go vp into the house of the Lorde.