Isaiah 28:17-22

Matthew(i) 17 Ryghtuousnes will I set vp agayne in the balaunce, and iudgement in the weyghtes. The tempeste of haile shall take awaye your refuge, that ye haue to disceyue wythall, & the ouerflowynge waters shall breake doune youre stronge holdes of dyssimulacion: 18 Thus the appoyntmente that ye haue made with deathe, shalbe done away and the condition that ye made with hell, shal not stande. When the great destruccyon goeth thorowe, it shal all to treade you. It shal take you quyte away before it. 19 For it shal go forth earlye in the mornynge, and contynue onelye that daye & that nighte. And the very feare only shall teache you, when ye heare it. 20 For the bedde shall be so narrowe that a man can not lye vpon it: And the coueryng to small, that a man maye not wynde hym selfe therein. 21 For the Lorde shall steppe forthe as he dyd vpon the mounte Perazim, and shall take on as he dyd vpon the dale of Gabaon: that he maye bryng forthe his deuyce his straunge deuyce: and fulfyll hys worcke, hys wonderful worcke. 22 And therfore make no mockes at it, that youre captiuite increase not: for I haue hearde the Lorde of Hostes saye, that there shall come a soden destruccyon & plage vpon the whole earthe.